April 2024 Edition
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A is for Allergies

Greetings everyone,
Welcome to April where the 'A' stands for Allergies!

We need the April showers to wash the pollen away! You can reduce the pollen footprint in your house, on your person, and in your sinuses. There are many ways to help reduce the impact of seasonal allergies. As the weather changes, your skin may also be changing. Check out the blog post below about the reasons your skin needs may change over the year. It is beautiful outside and I would love to help you enjoy it.

Reduce your Pollen Footprint

We are currently in " the great yellowing" part of spring. This season, reduce the pollen that invades your spaces when you aren't outdoors.
  • Shower off
    • When you have been outside, shower off and change clothes when you come in the house. This might also be necessary for your children and pets after they have been outside.
  • Keep your windows closed
    • I know that the breeze is lovely, refreshing, and feels glorious. It also bring allergens into your house. Keep them out by keeping the windows closed!
  • Don't track the pollen in
    • Take your shoes off when you come into the house. Leave the dirt and pollen outside. This could also be said of "outside work clothes". If you have clothing covered in pollen due to yardwork, leave the most heavily soiled outer layers outside or immediately put them in the wash.
  • Wear a mask
    • Consider wearing a mask when performing high allergen activities like gardening, mowing the grass, yardwork or spring cleaning.
  • Change your Air Filters
    • Change your Air Conditioning Air filters so your circulating air is cleaner. Consider a Allergy HEPA filter or even an air purifier.

REDUCE your ALLERGY Response

SINUS RINSE: If you are suffering from allergies...YOU NEED TO BE DOING A SINUS RINSE. Irrigation of the nasal passages is a GREAT way to remove the pollen offenders before your body responds to them. YES! It is time to get a distilled bottle of water and a SINUS RINSE to use DAILY. Some people may need to use a Sinus Rinse FOUR times a day to clean out sinuses. Crossbridge DPC has some really good news! Members in need of a sinus rinse can get one free of charge (while our supplies last). Simply TEXT the members only line to coordinate the pick up time from the clinic ( I have a few days I will be out for Air Force Duties this month).

EYE DROPS: Many people need eye drops to clean and relieve itchy red eyes. Eye drops may be used 4-5 times daily if necessary. I recommend Refresh Tears or any similar eye lubricant eye drop. These are not "get the red out" drops that will cause vasoconstriction of the eye capillaries.

IDENTIFICATION: Patients often about treatment options for allergies. I am in process of looking into the best TREATMENT/curative options for those who suffer from allergies. Currently, we can take steps to determine WHAT you may be allergic to. LabCorp has a blood test to help identify the allergens causing your reactions. These could include: weeds, grass, flowers, trees, dust mites, dogs or cats!. (Allergen lab panels are an auxiliary charge. You will know laboratory costs upfront before ordered/taken) Reach out to Dr. Overby if you have any questions or want to pursue this testing in the next few weeks!

Natural Remedies: I am NOT a Butterbur fan if you are looking for a natural remedy option. There are too many risks if it is not prepared perfectly. I do believe, however, that Euphrasia Officinalis prepared from the 'Eyebright' plant and Allium Cepa from 'Red Onion' plant are fine remedies. These are conveniently found in the Genexa Homeopathic Allergy supplement. We have a few of these on hand in the clinic but it can be found at many local drug store retailers.

Please let me know if you have any questions about allergies or are suffering this season. I want to help you minimize your symptoms so you can get out in nature to enjoy all this great SC weather!
Your skincare needs shift as the seasons change and your skincare routine might need to change as well. Here is a great blog post by Dr. Leslie Baumann about how your skincare needs might change seasonally, as hormones change, or during stress.


DERMA Made is available both in the office and online. This is a physician dispensed, medical grade, skin care brand. Crossbridge DPC is proud to be the first office in Greenville to carry this effective line.

From targeting signs of aging, like wrinkles and dark spots, to reducing the look of blemishes and acne scars, DERMA Made has solutions for your skin care concerns.
It is formulated with medical grade ingredients for visible results.

The best part... all products come with a 100-day full money-back guarantee.
When you visit us in the office, you will get our special in-office pricing.

You can also shop at DERMAMade.com and use coupon Crossbridge50 to get 50% OFF online.

Waiting List

Crossbridge DPC is currently moving to a Waiting List for adding new members. If you are interested in joining the waiting list, please fill out the Waiting List Contact Information form


Spring Spice
4 Parts Ceylon Tea OPA
2 Parts Rose -Dried Petals
1 Part Cardemom Tea
1 Part Orange Peel - Dried, Sifted, Cut

Mix together ingredients and use 1 heaping teaspoon in strainer.
Boil water and let steep in 6-8 oz of water for 3 minutes.
Remove strainer.

This can be made with foamed milk as a Latte.
This blend has a smooth floral overtone with just the right amount of spice.

The Flowers are Blooming! Get outside! Don't bring the pollen back in with you!
Dr. Overby
Dr. Zachariah Overby, MD

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